Sioux City, IA – Perry Johnson, Republican presidential candidate and third place finisher in CPAC’s straw poll, is questioning former President Donald Trump for labeling pro-life Americans as too extreme. On Monday, Trump publicly criticized Florida’s 6-week abortion ban for being “too harsh.”

“President Trump did many great things during his term, including appointing the judges who would eventually overturn Roe v. Wade. But counting on him to lead on the fight to protect life in a post-Roe era is a mistake. The true radicals on this issue are Democrats, who proudly support abortion up to 38 weeks in many blue states. I hope he will reconsider his position.

“I am proudly pro-life and can promise voters I will never compromise my views. I will fight for life every day as President and support state restrictions like Florida passed.”

Perry Johnson returned to Iowa on Monday after a successful Saturday town hall event in Des Moines. He begins his nine-day ‘Fire Biden’ bus tour and will make stops in 28 counties along the way to share his Two-Cents Plan to Save America with Iowa caucus goers.